
lasparet n. (læspäret) pl:lasparets

1. A word made up to mimic the garbled pronunciation of the lyrics in a recorded song.
2. (plural) A group of words assembled to mimic the polished output of more practiced authors.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Yonge And Wet

Last Saturday, after a long day of wandering the streets of downtown Toronto, we ended up on a patio looking down Yonge Street just north of Wellesley. We settled in under an umbrella and after a short time the rain began to fall. It rained steadily through two pints, at which point the umbrella was only stopping 80% of the rain. We transferred ourselves and our gear to an awning covered section of the patio and from there spent a little longer basking in the glow of the tail-lights reflected off the glassy asphalt before heading home.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Nothing But Flowers

No long rambling story today. Just a pretty picture of a flower.

Do remember to click on the pictures to get a better view.


Friday, September 08, 2006

It Was A Rainy Day

Labour Day weekend in Southwestern Ontario (and in the "Near North" as some marketing weenie convinced the Ontario government to call the region in which our cottage is located) was cold and wet this year. Saturday was cloudy and depressing during the day and slid into all-out wet and dismal by evening followed by equally dismal Sunday and Monday.

I'm sure we say this every year, but I'm certain the leaves are turning early this year. Our property looks across a small lake toward the steepish hills that form the far side. These hills are covered with thick forest composed of a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees, though a bit more on the deciduous side, perhaps. There is already a colour other than green in those trees and a number of the trees on our small property are already shedding. Seems suspiciously like fall, if you ask me. I think someone should look into this.

On non-rainy Saturday we did a bunch of outside chores in preparation for the W-word. A woodpecker and (we think) her offspring prowled around the trees in our neighbourhood and I was able to get one decent image of the two of them together.

Yes, folks, more woodpeckery goodness. I really like saying that phrase. It seems slightly naughty in a Beevis and Butthead kind of way, of course, but it also just kind of rolls off the tongue in a pleasing fashion. Yesirree, I do think I'll have to post a few more shots of those little guys some time in the future just for the woodpeckery pleasure of it.

Debbie noticed a nifty bee with an orange butt that was pillaging one of the remaining wildflowers and I was able to capture it for your viewing pleasure.

As the drizzle began, we retreated to the hot tub and then indoors. The rest of the weekend was spent in general relaxation; watching videos, reading books, and other oft-neglected unproductive activities.

That's It. That's all. Hope your long weekend was at least as eventful and relaxing.
