
lasparet n. (læspäret) pl:lasparets

1. A word made up to mimic the garbled pronunciation of the lyrics in a recorded song.
2. (plural) A group of words assembled to mimic the polished output of more practiced authors.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pitiful ... Just Pitiful ...

I have seriously been away from this for a while, but I'm back. Sort of. Just a picture update today. This picture was taken at Earl Bales park in Toronto. They operate a sad little ski lift up a sad little hill in the park. It is, however, the only ski hill within a 80 km, so if you're desparate, there it is. They run ski lessons for kids there and it is really the perfect size hill for that.

This shot is of the loading area for the ski lift. It was taken with my new favourite lens, the Sigma 14mm f2.8 This lens is quite astonishing in how much of the field of view it captures and how sharp it makes it all. In addition to capturing a whole lot of scenery, you can use it as a macro-like lens as it will focus really really close. The lens has a bulbous piece of glass at the front, and you can basically bring the front of that piece of glass nearly in contact with whatever you want to shoot and the lens will still focus.

I'll be posting some more pics taken with this lens soon as well as a few shots from our week in Mexico in February.

Adios for now.
