
lasparet n. (læspäret) pl:lasparets

1. A word made up to mimic the garbled pronunciation of the lyrics in a recorded song.
2. (plural) A group of words assembled to mimic the polished output of more practiced authors.

Friday, June 23, 2006

OK For Real Now.

I am a 40-plus male human that in the past has wandered through such diverse hobbies as classic cars, off-roading, sailing, and collectable bar signs. I am currently interested in Photography and this blog will reflect that newfound interest.

The blog will also reflect my interest in writing, manifested either in the splashy and unnaturally catchy periodic postings or, even more sporadically, in the bits of prose or poetry that I will post.

Because it would be cruel to invite the reader here based on the prospect of a good time without any new content, I will post here, for your amusement, the first in a series of posts subtitiled ...

The First Page of Novels I Have No Intention Of Writing ...

And ... Here we go ...


Ch 1. The sorting yard

Conciousness returned to Dave in a sudden and unpleasant fashion on his first day in the pens. A cold flash and a pain in the ribs brought him to. He instinctually pulled into a fetal position and looked wildly around for the source of his panic. A forest of feet and legs was all he could see initially, and a premature calm came over him until a sudden pain in his back suggested his problem laid elswhere.

Dave spun catlike to his feet, ignoring his recent insult. As he spun around, his gaze fell on the source of his sudden awakening. A man in full guard armour was completely ignoring him, being fully engaged kicking and hosing other people who were enjoying a few more instants of sleep than had Dave. The guard was wearing full armour, leg, arm, body and face plates, and was wielding a pressure hose which was blasting water at the nearest segment of what Dave saw was acres of people who were either snoozing, or on the brink of being rudely awakened.

As the guard’s attention was momentarily directed elsewhere, Dave looked around to inspect his fellow awakees. Looking away from the guard for a second, he saw a surprising cross section of people. Being as (he assumed) they had all been prone moments ago, those nearest him weren’t particularly well packed together, and he had a surprisingly deep view through the crowd. Without exception, everyone Dave saw showed signs of having been recently asleep on the ground. Many were dazed and gazed around bewildered at the strange scene. A few people were, he noted, not bewildered at all, and were looking around them alertly. Dave hoped he looked like one of those guys.

He glanced again quickly at the guard and was relieved to see he was moving off after more somnolent pickings. Still in full reconaissance mode, Dave scanned the crowd once more. The people he saw seemed to be of mixed gender, though leaning towards male. No-one appeared particularly well off, but no-one he could see appeared particularly poor either. Most people appeared to be dressed for a day’s work, although there were a few who had obviously been moved here while dressed for sleep.

A sudden shock went through Dave as he realized at last that he had been ARRESTED. The tension in his muscles receded. He did a futile check of his pockets, and found nothing. But wait! What idiot checked him? Dave felt the outline of the multi-tool stashed in the watch pocket of his jeans and a small thrill passed through him. It wasn’t like he could blast his way out of the compound with it, but the small tool gave him a feeling of power disproportionate to its size. He had possiblilties suddenly.


Until next the muse strikes ...
